This week, summer starts for many people. Sometimes no amount of dieting or exercise can stop these problems areas and issues with the body that will be seen everywhere. What if you’re looking for the option of getting these problems fixed without going under the knife?
The option we report is called cool sculpting. We recently follow a patient to see what the results were like. There’s a man who has love handles named Steve. This is known as the excess fat around the waist that must be fixed. No matter how much he dieted, trained or went to the gym, that area just kept sticking around and didn’t seem to want to go away.
So the plastic surgeon’s name is Dr. Phyllis Johnson suggested that this could be fixed by freezing that area. This relatively new fat grafting procedure is called cool sculpting. The results is similar to liposuction but without any of the downtime, burden of surgery, needles, swelling, or loss of work time. You can go back to work and has regular activities the same day.
How does it work? Will she has applied on the problem area and is protected by a gel pad. Deceptions fed between two plates and there’s advanced form of cell tech knowledge he that freezes the fat cells. Some of the fat cells will start to undergo a process of self-destruction under these conditions. The medical term for this is called April toasts us. Over a period of several months later, the body will dispose of these injured fat cells. Issue builder expect a reduction in textiles by approximately 25%. Once the fat cells die, which typically takes about 2 to 4 months after the procedure, they tend to not want to come back. Each treatment takes about 60 min. This might be necessary for you to determine how many sessions that you need. This is typically for localized deposits of fat. Or someone is 200 pounds overweight, this procedure travel delay will not be correct for you. But for those who have problem areas, this may be an effective alternative to liposuction without the downtime that liposuction would cause. Typically procedure involves an hour of sitting back while procedure is taking place.” Thing has been around for years in Europe and in Canada. Now have FDA approval for safety and dermatology procedures in the United States.
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